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Intelling announces new White Paper and Speech at Trustech

Intelling, a consultancy specializing in the secure transactions industry, is proud to announce it has published a new White Paper on the relationship between ethics, values and the inception of GDPR, and that Thierry Spanjaard, its principal, will give a speech on the same topic during Trustech, the main event for the digital trust technologies.

MARSEILLE, FRANCE, November 26, 2018 – Intelling has just published a new White Paper titled “Is GDPR leading us to better data ethics?” that covers different aspects of the values and morals behind the adoption of the European General Data Protection Regulation. The White Paper starts from the origins of the privacy concept that arose from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It also investigates the relations between Europe and the US on cross-border personal data transfer issues. The White Paper also covers how the very concept of data ethics has been forged quite recently, driven by the evolution of regulation, a dramatic growth of data breaches, and the eye-opener coming from Edward Snowden and others’ revelations. Finally, it investigates how countries beyond Europe are reacting to this EU level regulation, and little by little incorporating the same concepts in their legal systems. The White Paper “Is GDPR leading us to better data ethics?” is available free of charge from our website at

Thierry Spanjaard, Intelling Principal, will give a speech titled “GDPR, PSD2, and ethical and democratic values: do these new regulatory environments support or alter democracy and ethical values?” during Trustech. His speech will not only relate to the just published White Paper but also cover some ethical and influential aspects of PSD2, the Second Payment Service Directive, also enforced by the European Union. The speech will take place during Trustech, in Cannes, France, on Tuesday November 27th, at 11:15, in Room 3. It is part of the session titled “Impact of new regulations: latest developments in PSD2, open banking & GDPR.”

Thierry Spanjaard declares: “While the world is divided in two superpowers, Europe has taken a different approach that keeps on influencing the world though Soft Law. The way the fundamentals for GDPR and the PSD2 are now adopted by the rest of the world demonstrates that the European Union is keeping some influence in the world without having to resort to wars or extraterritorial jurisdiction.”


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About Intelling:

Intelling (, a consultancy launched by Thierry Spanjaard in 2006, delivers consulting services to its customers along three axes:

  • Market Intelligence, supporting customers in need of finding more information about their competitors, their customers, their partners and their market at large,

  • Strategy, providing market research and strategic intelligence support to small and large companies in the secure transactions industry,

  • Communication, bringing contents and support for all players in the industry when it comes to publishing press releases, writing brochures, white papers or website contents, and more generally supplying them with all types of communication services.

In addition, Intelling is the publisher of the Smart Insights Blog (, which covers important news, opinions and comments about the secure transactions industry. Smart Insights is, as always, the best place to find Industry Reports that provide an in-depth analysis of the secure transactions markets and White Papers to get a synthetic view about some topics relevant for the industry. Smart Insights website is also the best place to find a comprehensive agenda of the upcoming events in the secure transactions industry.

More details are available at: and

Contact: Thierry Spanjaard, CEO, Intelling, tel: +33 609 18 28 51

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